Instruction: Please read each statement and answer yes or no. Then total the number of yes or no responses in each section to identify your Personality type.
Section = 1
10 Minutes
1. I am usually tired
2. I am usually exhausted
3. I cannot sleep
4. I am tense
5. I am often uneasy
6. I take offence easily
7. I have a don’t care attitude
8. I like privacy
9. I am secretive
10. I hide when the pressure is on
11. I cannot face facts
12. I constantly want vacations
13. I do not like noise
14. I am abrupt
15. I talk very little
16. I like my books
17. I am disinterested in the affairs of others
18. I am self-reliant
19. I like praise
20. I am inhibited
21. I have an inferiority complex
22. I am not too social
23. I am not a leader
24. Crowds make me uncomfortable
25. I like seclusions to think
26. My mind is constantly going
27. I speak softly
28. I am not an out-door man
29. I appear younger than my years
30. I built a wall around myself
31. I am preoccupied most of the time
32. I am usually worried
33. I am ruled by prejudice
34. I am quickly antagonized
35. I will not admit I am wrong
36. I am tolerant
37. I am often sick
38. I am unpredictable
39. I do not go for alcohol or drugs
40. I am never content
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